Product Description
Agricultural Use
Potassium is needed to complete many essential functions in plants, such as activating enzyme reactions, synthesizing proteins, forming starch and sugars, and regulating water flow in cells and leaves. Often, concentrations of K in soil are too low to support healthy plant growth. Potassium sulfate is an excellent source of K nutrition for plants. The K portion of the K2SO4 is no different from other common potash fertilizers. However, it also supplies a valuable source of S, which protein synthesis and enzyme function require. Like K, S can also be too deficient for adequate plant growth. Further, Cl- additions should be avoided in certain soils and crops. In such cases, K2SO4 makes a very suitable K source. Potassium sulfate is only one-third as soluble as KCl, so it's not as commonly dissolved for addition through irrigation water unless there's a need for additional S. Several particle sizes are commonly available. Manufacturers produce fine particles (smaller than 0.015 mm) to make solutions for irrigation or foliar sprays, since they dissolve more rapidly. And growers find foliar spraying of K2SO4, a convenient way to apply additional K and S to plants, supplementing the nutrients taken up from the soil. However, leaf damage can occur if the concentration is too high.Management practices